Power BI

What is Power BI?

Power BI is one of the powerful products in Microsoft Office 365 Suite. It is a cloud-based solution that help organizations collate, manage, and analyze data from a variety of sources from basic Excel spreadsheets to various databases, and both cloud-based and on-premise apps. Differentiated from traditional reporting tools, Power BI provides a user-friendly interface which enables companies understand their data in a visualized way.

Why is Power BI widely used?

Here are some of the key benefits of using Power BI:

  • Businesses can input huge quantities of data into Power BI that many other platforms would struggle to process
  • Built-in machine learning features can analyze data and help users spot valuable trends and make educated predictions
  • Information can be visualized using powerful templates to allow businesses to better make sense of their data
  • Power BI is cloud-based, so users get cutting edge intelligence capabilities and powerful algorithms that are updated regularly
  • Powerful personalization capabilities allow users to create dashboards so they can access the data they need quickly
  • Alerts can be set up on KPIs to keep users up to date important metrics and measurements.
  • Power BI has an intuitive interface that makes it far more user-friendly and easy to navigate then complex spreadsheets
  • The platform integrates with other popular business management tools like SharePointOffice 365, and Dynamics 365, as well as other non-Microsoft products like Spark, Hadoop, Google Analytics, SAP, Salesforce, and MailChimp
  • With data security a massive talking point for modern businesses, Power BI ensures data is safe, offering granular controls on accessibility both internally and externally

How do we implement projects?

  • We collect your data from whatever sources, such as core systems, public data warehouse, data sheets.
  • The data is structured and processed on Microsoft Azure platform
  • In-depth analysis will be conducted on your data by using AI and machine learning tools
  • Data is presented on dashboard and further business insights will be triggered through the whole process 

Sample: Major EU countries' trade